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I have always loved clearing my head through shaI have always loved clearing my head through shappes, colors and textures; explore and find a combination of harmony and aesthetic balance that I call beauty.












new notebooks and beautiful papers...


Very young,

I was introduced to the passion of writing letters and calligraphy came into my life thanks to my childhood best friend (she will recognize herself, I hope!).

Later, I continued to draw to express what could not be with words or sounds, which may seem a bit paradoxical for a singer but which was and still remains today necessary for my balance!?


As some know, I even did several painting exhibitions and I still continue to draw...


It is therefore I who have always realized with obvious pleasure and overflowing passion all the posters of the concerts that I sang or that I produced.



... an ACTRESS!

I was put on stage at the age of 3 by my mother, herself a rhythmician and a magnificent musician. It was in the great hall of the Jaques-Dalcroze Institute in Geneva. I played the title role (not even spoken) of "Pitou l'Enfant-Roi". I appeared at the very end of the show in a long nightgown, a crown placed on my head.


I keep a deep memory of it... marking:


the dark stage,

the light of the spot aimed at me, blinding,

the darkness in the public,

butterflies in the stomach,

not really realizing what was happening...

and the JOY!!!​


Today, every time I "go on stage", it is still these same sensations engraved in each of my cells that wake up, except that I now realize how lucky I am to CONNECT with an audience, to CREATE for and with the audience a unique space-time of encounters and introspection;

by telling stories,

by singing landscapes,

by embodying characters...

thanks to each person in the room,

I continue to live this dream started when I was only a child...

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